Thursday, March 29, 2007

Spring Break 2007!!!

Alright, the countdown has begun.... 6 more hours until MY spring break starts! (well, spring break has "officially" started, but all of us teachers are at work because they HAVE to go to work during these holidays).

I'm heading down to Kyoto tonight, and tomorrow morning, I will be on a plane to Hong Kong to meet my sister and my mom. Since Paul doesn't arrive until Sunday night, the 3 of us girls will be able to do tons of shopping and bonding together. My sister and mom will stay in Hong Kong while Paul and I travel to Beijing to take in the sights and hike the Great Wall!

I can't believe my birthday is upon me already- what will I be doing? fancy dining at the top of a hotel restaurant? wandering the night street markets? sailing on a junk in Victoria Harbour?

Last year my "30 going on 13" birthday wish was to get over my fear of ice skating. (I had fallen and blacked out while skating in high school and had been terrified to get on skates ever again) but with the support of many friends in Central Park that day, I had a fantastic skating and pizza party!

Originally, my goal for my 31st birthday was to re-learn how to ride a bike again (I had a scooter accident when I was in Greece during my spring break 1998, and was terrified to get on any 2-wheeled vehicle ever again- is there a theme here??) but I already got over that fear my first week in Japan. So what is my goal or wish for 31 then?

I suppose turning 31 is a bit of a wake-up call for me. I have to get my life "together" after I leave this dreamworld of Japan, set my career path somehow, make some big decisions on goals and aspirations, my FUTURE- who and what it includes, and all that. I have been lucky to have a very carefree and comfortable life. I will always want to be a traveler, but can that be balanced with a practical, working life? At the rate I'm going, I'll be living paycheck to paycheck, a bohemian still living in a rented 6th floor walkup apartment, forced to be making decisions like whether to stay out and have another drink or save that money for laundry. Doesn't sound appealing....

However, I have to say I'm pretty happy, despite my premature arthritis and a few stray white hairs. I met the boy of my dreams, I have many wonderful friends, I have a happy supportive family, I'm living a very content life in Japan, I'm (fairly) healthy, I'm saving a lot of money, and I have been fortunate to be able to travel around the world and learn several languages.

I'm going to hit 31 hard and fast- so meet me behind the bleachers after school!!!! I'll be ready!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


OH SEXY AMERICAN GIRLLLLLFRIEEENNNDDD! Happy Birthday to youuuuu, Happy birthday tooo youuuuuu, happy birthday dearest laura da pintiiiiiii, happy birthday to may no longer be your birthday or you are sleeping? in some foreign city as you await to meet THE WALL.....Laurie, have a phenomenal birthday week! I'm so happy for you, can't wait to hear more about your travels and p.s. I MISS YOU! Take care of you Apple Tree!
