Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Urban gardening 2010: Watermelon

Paul's coworker had given him some tiny watermelon seedlings in mid June.

We threw them into a medium sized galvanized bucket, not expecting much. But once we put them in the dirt, they starting growing like crazy!
Late June

Early July
Mid July

Watermelon blossoms! (Mid/Late July)
Bumble bee on watermelon blossom (Mid/late July)

First watermelon! (Mid/late July)

 Late July

Late July

We weren't sure when the watermelon was ready for picking, but since it hadn't gotten any bigger in a week, we took our chances (it was about the size of a tennis ball). P cut the watermelon open, and much to our surprise, the inside was was almost completely rind (the white part). There was a little pink-ish center and even the seeds, still soft, were whitish/clear. It looked more like a super round cucumber than a watermelon! Tasted like one too...  
Watermelon (& green apple eggplants) in  early August
More watermelons! Hope these are sweeter.... (Early/mid August)

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