Since Japan is about a day ahead of America, we couldn't watch the Super Bowl ON Super Bowl Sunday- it was going to be aired at like 5am Monday morning, which, of course, was not realistic for any of us to watch on a school day. So Robert kindly offered to tape the game, Andrew & Desirae kindly offered to host the party, and we would all watch the taped game on Monday night- but at that point, the results of the game would already have been posted on the internet and newspapers, so we all had to avoid the internet all day on Monday to not spoil the anticipation. However- the satellite/cable company that Robert has didn't air the game live!!! Instead, they aired LAST YEAR'S game, the 2006 Super Bowl and they were going to air the 2007 one on TUESDAY morning! So the Super Bowl party was delayed by ANOTHER day. Of course, at this point, avoiding the internet was impossible and I found out the results of the game.
But Andrew and Desirae's spread was amazing- two kinds of nacho dip (beef and tofu/mushroom), tortilla chips, fried chicken w/ hot sauce, "buckeyes" (chocolate/peanut butter balls), and a host of other Super Bowl party snacks. I did feel kind of bad that a few Japanese teachers/guests came, expecting to have "conversation practice w/ foreigners" and we basically camped out in front of the TV, but on the other hand, we came to watch the football game! It has been a struggle recently because it seems that many events that the AETs/foreigners go to have been a perfect opportunity for other people to practice their English on you, and less of an event where we just get to hang out. Oh well.
So yeah.... anyway, I haven't really been following sports for the last 7 months, err, well, more like 5 years, since Jeremy, my sports-advisor, moved back to Detroit, so the game wasn't all that exciting for me. With my poor betting record, I wasn't suprised that the I was rooting for the Bears. Good times, good times.
and the buffalo wings!!
Rooting for the Bears... naturally. haha
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